Dad learned that I wanted to study art he wanted me to go into engineering or even medicine. But he kept his word and gave me the money to go to school for a while.

The real trouble started during my senior year in high school; I tried to conceal it as long as I could, and to some extent I was successful, but my mother found out and she ushered me to the good old doctor again, who just shook his head when he examined me and said — I've never seen anything like that before and I suppose he hadn't. You don't often see boys with breasts like mine. So we all three sat there in the office contemplating my chest for a long time until the old quack sud- denly said I think he's turning into a girl — I probably wouldn't have minded so much, because I had after all, pretty definite suspicions myself, but the old goat sniggered when he said it like every damned dirty joke that I'd heard all my life, and most of them directed at me.

"I don't honestly know if Mother told Dad or not at least right then, because she was afraid to. Anyway, he never said anything and we stayed as cool toward each other as ever. That summer, I stayed at home in the house most of the time. When I did go out, I used to wrap my chest up, and put on a heavy sweatshirt. It worked, I guess, because I got by without any more giggles than I'd always gotten.

"When I came to the U. that fall, I was blossomed out as well as any of the coeds, though, and after being thrown in the showers one night after phy. ed. class, the coach went to the dean and the dean sent me to the medical center and after about two weeks there they called me into a big conference room and told me what was wrong. I had had every test known to science, I'll swear; they'd taken enough blood to fill a bathtub, X-rayed, and photographed and looked into every open- ing and poked tubes in and measured every square inch. By the time I got into that conference room, I felt like the freak of the week which I suppose I was. I wasn't too surprised either at what they told me — I'd read enough to figure out what was happening, although I didn't know what was causing it.

"Have you ever heard of a feminizing testis?" she asked me. I shook my head. "Neither had I until then. Well, I'll skip the technical details, but it seems that occassionally, through an error in chemistry, the testis produces female instead of male hormones. So what happened with me was that I had never produced male hormones, but had rather a little later than normal girls, gone through a typically female puberty.